Sometimes when you click on an eBook or article - there won't be a PDF icon or an HTML link. Don't worry - there are a few options to find the full text of what you want.
Often, there might be a blue and yellow "Findit@MU" button that will help you locate the item you want. Or you can search for the specific journal or eBook title in MarqCat, our library catalog. If Marquette does not own a particular item, you can request that item through interlibrary loan. See boxes below on Findit@MU, searching in MarqCat, and interlibrary loan.
Two common ways to find out if the Libraries have access to the articles you need:
Click on in the article citation. Another window / tab opens with two possible options:
The MARQCAT record will indicate what years we have in print and/or online, providing call number locations for the print and links to the e-journal. Once at the e-journal, navigate to the volume, issue and page that you need.
Didn't find the article/journal using Find it @MU or MARQCAT? Request the article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) by clicking on the link at the bottom of the Find it @MU window or tab. Learn more about ILL here.
Ever wonder why the full-text isn't there? Watch this short video about the Business of Information.
The Libraries provide access to the collections of libraries around the world through our Interlibrary Loan services. Most transactions can be done entirely online through our online ILLiad service. full information can be found at the Interlibrary Loan site: