FAQs regarding use of RefWorks at Marquette University
1. Is there any cost in setting up and using RefWorks?
RefWorks is available free to any currently-enrolled Marquette University student or currently-employed Marquette University faculty or staff member as well as to Marquette University Alumni who are registered with the Marquette University Alumni Relation Office. As long as Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries subscribe to RefWorks, the forementioned groups will continue to have access to free RefWorks accounts.
2. How do I set up a RefWorks account?
For current Marquette students, staff and faculty: Go to the New User page and fill out the boxes to the left of the screen. You choose your own RefWorks log-in name and password. Registration for an account is immediate upon submitting the form. In addition, a message from RefWorks will be sent to your e-mail address confirming your registration, RefWorks user name and password.
For Marquette University alumni: click here for details.
3. Can I access RefWorks from my home PC or Mac?
Yes, you can access RefWorks from your home PC or Mac. RefWorks is a Web-based program which means you can access your RefWorks account from any PC or Mac that is on the Internet.
4. From off-campus, when I try to log into my RefWorks account, it gives me a screen asking for a Group Code. What do I type in?
If you are off-campus and you do not have the campus VPN software installed and running on your home PC or Mac, when you attempt to log into RefWorks, you get a screen asking for Marquette's Group Code. You will first be asked to type in the first 5 digits of your Marquette Univ. Bar Code number (the 14 digit number on your Marquette I.D. card.) Note that the Marquette University group code is CASE-SENSITIVE. Thus, when prompted for the Group Code, type it in EXACTLY as it appears on the library web page.
The Marquette University Group Code is also listed in the RefWorks e-mail message that you received when you initially signed up for your RefWorks account.
5. Do I need to have the VPN loaded on my home PC or Mac in order for me to use RefWorks from off-campus?
It is NOT necessary to have the campus VPN software installed and running on your home machine in order for you to use RefWorks from home.
6. Can I transfer records from MARQCAT (Marquette University Libraries Online catalog) into my RefWorks account?
Yes, it is possible to transfer records from the Marqcat online catalog into your RefWorks account. There are several methods. See the Importing/Exporting Marqcat Records into RefWorks guide.
7. How do I transfer records from Marquette University’s library databases into my RefWorks account?
To locate instructions on how to move records from various databases into your Refworks account, Use the Import/Export References tab above then select the appropriate link to the database list. Find your database in the list, then click on its vendor name to the right. Instructions will appear as to how to export this particular database’s records into RefWorks.
Please note: some databases have TWO methods for transferring records into RefWorks: “Direct Export” and “Manually Save and Export Records.”
Whenever possible, it is recommended that you use the “Direct Export” option in transferring records from the library databases into RefWorks as this is the quickest method. For those databases that do not have a “Direct Export” option you will then need to follow instructions in how to save the library database records to file and then, import them into your RefWorks account.
8. What is RefWorks’ Write-N-Cite program?
Write-N-Cite is an add-on program to RefWorks which allows you to cite the sources contained in your RefWorks account as you type your paper in Microsoft Word (for either PC or Mac.) Write-N-Cite formats the citations/footnotes in your document and can create bibliographies in a number of citation styles: Chicago Manual of Style, APA, etc.
Important: In order to utilize Write-N-Cite, you must first download and install a small, free software program from the RefWorks website. Get more information from RefWorks Write-N-Cite Help.
The Write-N-Cite software is available for download for Windows -- and Macs.
Please note: for Windows -- Write-n-Cite III is the latest version. See compatibility information for Write-N-Cite for Windows and Mac.
9. Are there other ways that citations and bibliographies can be created in my research paper WITHOUT having to use RefWorks' Write-N-Cite program?
Yes! If you are writing a research paper and you are not able to use the Write-N-Cite software or would prefer not to, there are several other ways that you could create citations and bibliographies with just RefWorks not using Write-N-Cite.
One Line/Cite View -- alternative to Write-N-Cite that works with all word processors on any operating system.
Write your Paper Offline -- helpful if you will not have access to the Internet as you write your paper.
10. I have downloaded and installed the Write-N-Cite program on my home machine, however, when I click on the Write-N-Cite link on my home machine, I get a screen that asks for a Group Code. What do I type in?
For off-campus RefWorks users who do not have the campus VPN software loaded and running on your home PC or Mac, whenever you click on your Write-N-Cite link, you will then see a screen that asks you to input your institution’s Group Code.
The Marquette University Group Code is provided in the RefWorks e-mail message that you received when you initially signed up for your RefWorks account. To locate the Group Code online, click here and then, type in the first 5 digits of your 14 digit Marquette University barcode number. You will then be given the Group Code. The Marquette University Group Code is CASE-SENSITIVE. Thus, when prompted for the Group Code, type it in EXACTLY as it appears on the library web page.
Note: Off-campus RefWorks /Write-N-Cite users who have the campus VPN installed and running on their home machines, do NOT need to enter in a Group Code. The campus VPN software will allow you to directly enter the Write-N-Cite log-in screen.
11. How can I make a back up the references in my RefWorks account?
See the RefWorks Help page regarding Backing up and Restoring your References.
Additional note: you can save copies of your RefWorks on your hard drive or flash drives. Also, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you make backup copies of your RefWorks account if your stored citations are critical to your work.
12. Is it possible to edit an existing citation style or create a new one in RefWorks?
Yes, follow the instructions which RefWorks provides at How The Output Style Editor Works
Also very useful is the RefWorks guide Customizing an Output Style.
13. Is it possible to create ANNOTATED bibliographies using RefWorks?
Yes, it is possible to do this for ALL citation output styles in RefWorks. For those who are using the APA or AMA styles, there are style citation options already present in RefWorks which will allow you to automatically include annotations in your bibliography.
For most other citation output styles, you will need to manually add the annotation field in the citation output style. For instructions, see the RefWorks guide Customizing an Output Style
14. I have modified an existing output style in RefWorks to meet my unique citation style needs. Is it possible to share this modified citation style with other RefWorks users?
Yes, for instructions, see page 11 of the RefWorks guide Customizing an Output Syle.
15. What happens to my RefWorks account once I graduate or leave Marquette University?
Alumni accounts are available for Marquette University graduates. You can transfer your records from your student account to your alumni account using the Back Up and Restore function. To do this, select Tools, Backup/Restore and make a backup of your database. You will be prompted to save a .zip or .rwb file to your computer. In your new account, select Tools, Backup/Restore and use the restore option to add the .zip or .rwb file to your new account. You can also export your reference data in several formats using one of RefWorks Export options.
16. How can I get help in using RefWorks here at Marquette University?
For questions regarding RefWorks, you can call the Raynor Library Information desk at 288-7556 or e-mail us at askusraynor@marquette.edu. The Libraries also offer one-hour demo workshops throughout the semester.
Also, if you would like one-to-one training to learn about RefWorks, please fill out the research consultation form and a librarian will contact you to set a time to meet.
Last updated: September 2024