The Library will be ending its access to RefWorks on August 31, 2025.
Who Can Create Free Accounts?
Go to the New RefWorks Log-in Page, and click on:
1. Click on "Sign up for a New Account" link.
2. You must use your Marquette University email address to create a New RefWorks account.
3. Click on Check.
4. Create a RefWorks password (you can choose any password that meets the requirements set by RefWorks.)
5.Do not click on “Use Login from My Institution” but rather click on “Sign In”. The next screen should say “Good News! RefWorks is available at Marquette University.”
6. RefWorks will send you an activation email to your Marquette email account.
7. Go to into your Marquette email account. Open the message from RefWorks. Click on the URL in the email message. The Welcome to RefWorks page should now appear.
8.Fill in the fields and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration. You are now logged in to your new RefWorks account.