Lemonis Level 1 BF 176 .K575 2000
Handbook of psychological testing. (2nd ed.) Kline, P.
Covers psychometric theory, kinds of psychological tests, applied testing, & evaluation of the published tests.
Lemonis Level 3 H 62 .M44 2002
Handbook of research design & social measurement. (6th ed.) Miller, D. C. et al.
Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of design and analysis; Pt. 7 discusses specific scales and indexes.
Lemonis Level 4 Lower LB 3051 .H3199 1997
Handbook on testing. Dillon, R. F.
Background on all aspects of testing.
Ebook / Online Access
An introduction to psychological tests and scales. (2nd ed.) Loewenthal, K. M.
Step-by-step guide to constructing reliable and valid measurement tools.
Lemonis Level 1 BF 176.A48 2003
Psychological testing and assessment. (11th ed.) Aiken, L. R.
Comprehensive background on construction and use of tests in psychological, educational, and employment settings.
Lemonis Level 1 BF 176 .M87 2001
Psychological testing: principles and applications. (5th ed.) Murphy, K. R. et al.
Covers theory, methods, and applications of psychological testing.
Lemonis Level 1 BF 39 .A433 1997
Questionnaires and inventories: surveying opinions and assessing personality. Aiken, L. R. et al.
Covers skills needed to construct assessment tools; disk contains programs for designing, constructing, administering, scoring, and evaluating all types of questionnaires and inventories.