This page gives you a subset of the material in the Industry research guide. If it is not sufficient, please check out the complete guide on industry?!
Below are links to industry reports from individual publishers, and to databases that contain industry reports. Many of these reports are available in general business databases: where possible, the links go directly to that content, not to a general search screen. But where such direct linking is not possible, the links go to the main database search screen (e.g. Passport).
MarketLine reports are available in two different databases, Ebsco's Business Source Premier, and Workspace's After Market Research module (aka AMR or Investext). Each has advantages and disadvantages.
These reports are pulled from large aggregator databases (ABI-Inform Trade & Industry, Business Source Premier, and Business Insights Essentials). The interfaces of these large databases allow me to create these individual links, which is not possible in other interfaces.
Of course, often you're trying to identify the code(s) for a specific company. In that case, use a company directory database. Here are two that make it easy to see the codes.
The After Market Research module in Workspace (formerly Refinitiv) is a collection of research reports written by investment analysts from many different research companies. Some of the 'big names' are: Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, William Blair, AE Edwards, CitiBank, Credit Suisse, and many more; these contributor companies can and do change over time. It also includes reports from market research companies (non-broker research companies) such as MarketLine.
For each 24-hour period, you are allowed to download a maximum of 150 pages of AMR content. Below is more discussion about how to avoid downloading extraneous pages.
The instructions below are for searching directly in the AMR module. Of course you can also get to reports for specific companies just by starting with a search on an individual ticker or company name.
Assuming you have already registered for an individual account, once you have logged in:
The AMR filter menu is located in the left margin and has many options!
At left is a smaller, composite screenshot of the complete filter menu. To see the screenshot full-size, right-click on the image and select "Open image in new tab". Not ideal, but there it is.
Below are suggestions on filters to use or consider. The line numbers below correspond to the numbers in the screenshot image.
To exit an opened filter menu, be aware you usually have to click on a Done button.
AMR download/viewing allowance:
You are allowed a total of 150 pages of AMR content per 24-hour period. Since some AMR reports can be 50 or 100 pages in length, obviously you need to pick and choose carefully.
On any AMR search results screen, you will see your remaining download allowance in red. (See arrow at right in screenshot below.) The remaining pages number will change as you use your page allowance. When you hover over the red text, the mouse-over message will appear (orange border below).