Database registrations: Workspace

Summary of registration process

  1. Complete request form for self-registration using your complete eMarq email address (
  2. Go to eMarq. From LSEG registration initiation email, click on link to registration form.
  3. Complete registration form.
  4. Wait for confirmation/welcome email in eMarq.
  5. Click on link in confirmation/ welcome email to complete the process.
  6. Create a password (separate from your MU password).

Important note:

You will receive TWO emails from LSEG, and must respond to BOTH of them. You may need to check your junk email folder.

Workspace Names

LSEG Workspace, Refinitiv Workspace or just plain Workspace, this is the academic version of Eikon. There has been some rebranding ...

DataStream is a separate dataset that runs on the Workspace/Eikon platform. 
➤  We do NOT subscribe to DataStream.

Workspace Registration

From LSEG; formerly called Refinitiv Workspace.

Already registered?  Click below:

Once you're registered, you can bookmark the page linked below and go there directly.

Registration for an individual account is REQUIRED:

The registration process has multiple steps and can take 15-20 minutes to complete: please be patient.

For problems with registration, please send an email to memref @ . Please include some information about the problem(s) you experienced. 

Important note:

You will receive TWO emails from LSEG, and must respond to BOTH of them. You may need to check your junk email folder or quarantined email.

The Workspace registration process

Start here:

Refinitiv registration form for Marquette


  1. Enter your Marquette email address ( and click on Next.
  2. Go to your MU email (eMarq) to find a registration initiation email from LSEG; click on link to registration form. 
    ➤  See screenshot of registration form at right.
  3. Enter your first name and last name.
  4. Select a Reference (status) label: Faculty/staff, Grad Student, or UG student.
    Refinitiv Workspace registration status menu
  5. Check the Privacy statement box; click Register now.
  6. Go to your MU email (eMarq) and wait for confirmation/welcome email, understanding that this can take 5 - 20 minutes!
  7. Click on link in your welcome email to complete the registration process.
  8. Create a password.  This password is NOT linked to your MU ID password.
    Password requirements:  must include digits and both uppercase and lowercase letters.

After registration

Two options after registration: desktop app or web

  1. Download the desktop app (Windows and MacOS versions available)
  2. Open the database on the web (up-to-date versions of Chrome, Edge, and Safari are all supported). 

➤ The web version is sufficient for most users.

Desktop app vs. Web version: 

The only difference between the two versions is that the desktop app will automatically also download an Excel plug-in that allows dynamically updated spreadsheets.  More info about the Excel plug-in below.

Requirements for the desktop app:

On the page linked below you can find:

  –  System requirements for the Workspace desktop apps
  –  A downloadable test to verify your computer's compatibility
  –  The downloads for both Windows and MacOS

Changed your mind?

If you start with the web version and later want to download the desktop app, you can!  Go to the page linked above.

The Excel plug-in


The Excel plug-in only has full functionality on a PC or on a Mac that can also run on Windows. The Excel plug-in for a Mac without the Windows OS does NOT have full functionality. 

Time-series downloads:

You need the Excel plug-in for customized time-series data downloads. Time-series downloads are not practical using either the desktop apps or web access versions. 

There are some pre-defined time-series downloads available in the web version -- the Excel plug-in is for when you want something beyond these pre-defined downloads. 

Training and help

Technical support:

For help with problems that require technical support from LSEG, students and faculty must go through a librarian – only the librarian is allowed to contact LSEG for technical support (it's in our contract!). 

Please contact memref @ with information and details about your problem.  

Training resources: