French Language & Literature: Film

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Finding films in French @ MU

If you know the title of a specific film, or director's name, then the easiest path is to just search for that title or name in the online catalog, MARQCAT!

But if you're not sure quite what you're looking for, I hope that some of the lists below will help.

Below are links to lists of films in MARQCAT, the library's online catalog.  The lists are imperfect in the following ways: 

 –   You can only scroll through the lists:  you cannot modify the searches that create them.
 –   You will find an occasional English film that also has French subtitles or dubbing.
 –   When a film has both a French and an English title, often the English titles are listed separately, but lead to the same film record.

NOTE:  the library began using film type descriptors (feature films, comedy films, etc.) in catalog records only relatively recently.  Therefore, these category lists are not comprehensive, and do not include all films that may legitimately fit into a particular category. 

Francophone African films

  –   By director, @ MU
  –   By series/distributor, @ MU
  –   Finding more

IN French, but not French!  That's what I mean ...

By director, available @ MU

Below are more links to lists of films in MARQCAT.  First are links to films by a single director.  Most are in French, or partly in French.

By series/distributor, available @ MU:

Finding more:

Below are links to several websites that may be useful in identifying works by other artists and filmmakers.

Francophone 'new world' films @ MU

Again, in French, but not French! 

Below are more links to lists of films in MARQCAT.  These lists are by director.  Some are in French, or partly in French. 

Finding articles

In addition to some of the databases listed on the Articles page, here is another database that should be helpful.

Reference books