This page has links to just get you started. Read more about them if this is the first time you've used this type of data.
Once you're on the MRI-Simmons Catalyst platform, look in the upper-right corner for the " in a circle" icon: that is where you will find the most current and comprehensive help documentation.
You can also request a research appointment with a librarian!
Here's a video intro, which takes ~9 minutes to watch. The 'Introduction - text' box below has mostly the same introductory content. The video also includes a brief demo of MRI-Simmons Catalyst.
Consumer survey datasets are huge surveys of consumers conducted by several major market research companies, which are not aimed at any one client. Basically, 'one-size-tries-to-fit-all' market research ...
Once upon a time, it was published in print and it was called the National Consumer Study ...
The MRI-Simmons software allows you to set up and create crosstabs as you please ... crosstab software is a very flexible and powerful software, but can require some time to learn.