OT Capstone Project: 7. Where to Find Research Outside the Library

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Research Outside the Library - Gray Literature

"Grey Literature consists of materials that are unpublished or have been published outside of the typical commercial or academic publishing environment."

- CSU Research Guide (linked below)


Typical examples: 

  • Conference proceedings (can be found in some library databases) 
  • Gov't Reports (can be found in some library databases) 
  • Data Sets 
  • Newsletters/Trade Publications 

Where Do You Find Gray Lit?

  • What other groups or people might be interested in your topic? 
  • Who else is interested in the same mission, population, service?

Think about: 

  • Professional orgs (like AOTA) 
  • Other related professional organizations (AMA)
  • Government Organizations (federal, regional, state, local)  
  • Non-profits (national, state, local) 

How Do You Find These Resources?

  • ​​​​​​Google. You're just going to have to google. And search again and again. 
  • Use what you find in your library research to help shape what you might find out on the interwebs 
  • Some library databases will also contain gray literature (particularly gov't reports!)