Provides images and video of human anatomy models and scans.
Includes Regional, Systemic, and Sports & Therapy modules. Specialty titles include Dentistry, Head & Neck: Basic Neuroanatomy, and Speech Language Pathology. Features interactive 3D human anatomy models (The 3D Real-time Body), MRI scans, quizzes, movies, interactive animations and more. Content may be exported for use in lectures, student presentations or patient handouts.
JoVE Science Education is a revolutionary video library dedicated to teaching scientific fundamentals through simple easy-to-understand video demonstrations
JoVE Video Journal is the leading peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed video methods journal. The journal publishes experimental techniques in a visual format with detailed text protocols to increase scientific reproducibility and productivity.
Free resource. Offer variety of research activities: interactive activities, simulations, videos, narratives, case studies, text, and images. Please be aware that this resource does not meet Marquette's FERPA requirements.
Search link with material type filters: "labs," "simulations," and "interactive" and educational level filters: lower division, upper division, and graduate.
Curated list of science labs. Note that being listed is not an endorsement for any of these resources, it is just a gathering of resources. Please vet and discuss with others at your institution as to the viability/safety of what you intend to use.
Resources such as textbooks, courses, audio-videos, journals, images, datasets, software, and other mixed content. All of these resources are free for anyone to access worldwide. Many of them are also shared under open licenses that allow copies and modifications.