Online Learning for Faculty: Adding Library Materials to D2L

Best Practices for Linking to Library Materials

When linking to library materials like a eBook or journal article from a database or from the catalog, be sure to use a permanent link also called a durable link, a permalink, or a duralink. These types of links are best for off-campus access. 

Permalinks are URLs for online articles. A permalink is a stable link to the library material. You normally have to click on a button to get this link - it is NOT the search bar URL. Using a permalink ensures that students will be able to access the material. 

How to get a permalink may vary from one database to another.  To find a permanent (persistent or stable) link for an article to use in D2L, wikis, and other educational sites, follow the instructions in this guide for commonly used databases and eJournal collections. 

Step-by-Step Guides to Create Permalinks

Below are links to "guide on the side," tutorials for EBSCO, ProQuest, OVID, JSTOR, and CINAHL

Guide on the side tutorials will open a webpage with directions on the left side of your screen and provide step by step directions to find a permalink and how to insert it into your D2L class. 

Please note that the OVID, CINAHL, and EBSCO tutorials only work when using the VPN. You will be need to log into the library for ProQuest and JSTOR. Please use Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox. Microsoft Edge will not work. 

Image Guides for Creating Permalinks

Below are step-by-step image examples for EBSCOProQuest, and JSTOR

For more examples, please visit:

Creating Permalinks - Step-by-Step


Click on the article title within your database or journal search results.

Click on the article title within the database or journal search results


Click the Permalink button located at the right hand side of the article.

Click the Permalink button


The permanent link (Permalink) will appear above the title of the article. Copy and paste the link into the desired resource.

Copy and paste the permanent link into the desired resource

Creating Durable Links - Step-by-Step


Navigate to the article that you are interested in. 


Click on "Details"



Copy the Document URL.




Copy and paste the link into the desired resource.


The document URL may also be in the "Abstract/Details" section of an article. 


Creating Stable URLs - Step-by-Step



Click on the PDF link or Download PDF button for the article.



Copy the Stable URL from the opening page of the document (you may be prompted to click "Accept JSTOR's terms and conditions and proceed to PDF" first) and paste it in the desired resource.

Copy the stable URL from the opening page of the document