ADVE 4100 - Media Planning: Interpreting the data

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Interpreting the Data

IMPORTANT notes about labels! 

Platform /
      Concept label

MRI-Simmons Catalyst


Composition* label:

Vertical % % Down

Coverage* label:

Horizontal % % Across

See brief definitions of the composition and coverage concepts in The Media Handbook by Katz.
   (Go to page 279 if the link screws up!).

†  MEMRI is an older professional analysis software interface from MRI that will be retired soon.

One more concept / label: Reach

See a brief definition of the Reach concept, also in The Media Handbook by Katz. 
It is used in the Brand Catalyst module of MRI-Simmons Insights. (Page 259 if the link screws up.)

Videos about consumer survey datasets

Below are two embedded videos about the dataset and how to use the data.  You can also watch them as playlist in Youtube.

About 10 minutes long.

About 13 minutes long. On Youtube, you can use the section headings to go to specific parts of the video.