Searches business publications; includes company, country, and industry reports. Good coverage of scholarly business publications. Mostly 1984 - present.
In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 1,570 journals. This database contains popular business publications such as Business Week, Forbes, and Harvard Business Review, and hundreds of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Also included is Wall Street Words, a dictionary of financial terms, linked directly to words within the citations and full text. Full text backfiles go as far back as January of 1990, while indexing and abstract backfiles go as far back as January of 1984.
Market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business customs for over 125 countries prepared by trade and industry experts at U.S. embassies worldwide.
Includes 25 categories such as Land & Climate, People, Customs & Courtesies, Lifestyle, Society, History, Religion, Family, and Economy. Also has multimedia content such as typical greetings and the national anthem.
Search for a wide range of documents related to current events, public policy, and social sciences. 1972 to present.
Indexes books, pamphlets, and publications of the U.S. government and of international organizations, in addition to selected articles in 1400 periodicals.
Contains political science, public policy, and international relations scholarly journals; recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics; working papers; country reports (EIU); conference proceedings, policy papers and other sources. Dates of coverage: 1985 – present.
Via Ebsco's Business Source Premier. Add a country name to the search to find reports of interest.
The reports are usually 20-25 pages, and focus on the economy and political situation.
Via in Ebsco's Business Source Premier database. Longer (40-70+ pages) profiles of 100 countries, developed and developing only. These profiles are great for information about the political scene, and the economy.
Searches citations and some full-text of economic research publications: includes journal articles; books, book chapters and book reviews; working papers; dissertations. 1969 - present.
An expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), produced by the American Economic Association. Covers both economic theory and application.
On first use only, acknowledgement of privacy and security policy required.
Data, reports and analysis about countries, industries, companies and consumers. Includes: economic and social data for ~200 countries; market research reports for ~80 countries; company and consumer profiles. We do NOT subscribe to the Sustainability module. Video demo on how to search in Passport.
Economic and social indicator data redistributed from IMF, UN, World Bank, OECD. Annual data only.
The Principal Global Indicators (PGI) dataset provides internationally comparable data for the Group of 20 economies (G-20) and economies with systemically important financial sectors that are not members of the G-20. The PGI facilitates the monitoring of economic and financial developments for these jurisdictions. Launched in 2009, the PGI website is hosted by the IMF and is a joint undertaking of the Inter-Agency Group of Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG).