Marquette University has had a variety of nicknames and associated mascots over the years. The nicknames and mascots are representative of the era from which they were created and should be viewed within the context of that period. The University Archives holds and preserves documents, artifacts and media in its collection that may depict
perspectives and actions that may not be necessarily in keeping with contemporary Marquette University values. There are many records documenting nicknames and mascots throughout the University Archives. Following are the major sources related to nicknames and mascots:
Many images are digitized and part of Marquette University History Online.
The Hilltop yearbooks (1915-1996) have been digitized and are available online. They contain photographs and other information about athletic mascots. Use the “Advanced Search” feature to search for “First Warrior,” “Willie Wampum,” "Bleuteaux," etc. Keep in mind that the spelling of the mascot names changed through the years and you’ll want to use a variety of alternatives.
The university's slide collection mirrors the Photographs and General Information Files described above, but is limited to images in color slide format. Relevant topics include "First Warrior," "Mascots," and "Bleuteaux." Additional images of the various mascots may be included in the cheerleading and basketball "files."
Brief performances by the mascots may have been captured during recording of men's basketball and football games.