Medical Laboratory Sciences: Book Search

Guide for information and researching clinical laboratory sciences
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Why Books?

Books are useful for:

  • in depth information,
  • historical context,
  • overview, synthesis and analysis.

Check the table of contents:  often a chapter or two are all that is needed.


MARQCAT Search Tips

Books are useful for in depth information, historical context, overview, synthesis and analysis. Often a chapter or two are all that is needed. The process of writing, editing and publishing means even the most recently published book may not contain the most current information on a topic.

Using Advanced Keyword Search in MARQCAT:

Identify words or phrases that represent the main ideas in your topic, then:

  • Try the words as "Any Field" searches for widest retrieval
  • Try the same words as "Subject" searches, then use the catalog's suggested headings
  • When you find a good book, check the list of Subjects  in the record of that book for additional ideas

Below are subjects call number ranges that are related to clinical laboratory sciences. Use the subjects to search for books in Marqcat.

 QH201-278.5 Microscopy                                                   
 QH301-705.5 Biology (General)       
 QH426-470    Genetics                    
 QH573-671    Cytology                    

 QR  Microbiology                                  
 QR46-64.8  Medical Microbiology
 QR65-69 Microbiology - Technique
 QR71 Laboratory Equipment

 R860-864   Medical Laboratories
 RB35-56    Clinical Pathology- Laboratories
 RC31-1245 Internal Medicine

Reference Books
