Some EBSCO databases included a search feature for locating citing articles. Keep in mind this only locates the records within the same database that have bibliographies included as part of the record. Each database varies on what it includes.
Comprehensive Databases
Humanities Databases
Humanities International Complete
Social Science Databases
Communication & Mass Media Complete
Science Databases:
Step 1: Several EBSCOhost databases include a Cited References link at the top of the search screen or as one of the drop down items under More. Click on this link then enter search terms in the Cited Author, Title, Source, Year, and/or All Citation Fields search boxes:
Step 2: articles matching the search entries are displayed indicating how many times they were cited in this database (10 times in this example). To view citing articles, put a check mark in the desired box or boxes, then click Find Citing Articles.
Step 3: A list of citing articles will be retrieved: