Cited Reference Searching & Journal Rankings: Google Scholar - Search Tips

How to locate articles and other documents that have cited a previously published document. Also how to determine where a journal is ranked in relation to others in its field.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar covers journal articles, books, theses, abstracts, patents, and court opinions in a number of disciplines.  Many references include a Cited by link to identify other resources that cite that reference. Note that Google Scholar may include more than one version of articles and there are likely to be duplicates in the citing references among the versions.

How to do a cited reference search:

1.Get to the advanced search by clicking on the 'drop-down' arrow on the search box.

2. Enter words or exact phrases in the title of the article if known, the name of the author (full name, last name, or last name with initials), and publication (full title or standard abbreviation).  Author and journal name formats vary by source indexed in Google Scholar.


  • Use quotation marks when searching whole author names and include variations combining them with OR;
  • Use quotation marks around publication titles, full or abbreviated
  • Less is best when entering information in multiple fields as shown below. 


3. Review results list and locate record for the document.  Click Cited By if it appears.


4. Scholar displays citing records which can be sorted or limited using the facets on the left.

Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Citations is a fast and easy way to create a list of your publications (via Google Scholar), edit the list, merge duplicate records, manually add records not found by Google Scholar, and see graphs for times cited within Google Scholar, h-index, i-10 index, times cited in the last 6 years, etc. It also allows you to "fix" bibliographic errors.

It is free, but registration is required.

If you already have a Google account, simply sign in and then look in the upper right hand corner of the screen for "My Citations."