International Business: Country data

Suggestions for international market research, and finding information about different countries.
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Databases for country data

    The databases below offer country profiles that are regularly updated, mostly annually.  In addition, there are country profiles from various vendors in several of our article databases.  Below this box there are links to some of these reports (organized by vendor name), and where useful and possible, a couple of RSS feeds that show some of the latest reports in those databases.

    CountryWatch Country Reviews

    I'm pointing out this vendor because they cover many countries, and their reports are quite decent and do include data.  From the link below you can go directly to these reports (in the Business Source Premier database), and begin searching.

    IHS Country Monitor Reports (in Business Source Premier)

    IHS Markit provides both data and reports.  We get the reports via the aggregator Ebsco, and unfortunately, finding them within their Business Source Premier database takes some effort.  Below is a durable link to a search for these within the database.  After clicking on it, you can add search terms (e.g. a country name) to narrow the results.