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Here are some sources that are easier to use.
Below are links to industry reports from individual publishers, and to databases that contain industry reports. Many of these reports are available in general business databases: where possible, the links go directly to that content, not to a general search screen. But where such direct linking is not possible, the links go to the main database search screen (e.g. Gartner, Passport GMID).
In addition to the three sources immediately below, you should know about MarketLine (formerly called Datamonitor), which also has good coverage of industry conditions abroad. Be sure to read the notes below about the databases that offer it ...
MarketLine reports are available in two different databases, Ebsco's Business Source Premier, and Refinitiv Workspace's After Market Research module (also called AMR or Investext). Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here're some guidelines for the two: