Career Research: Article Search

Career Services Center

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  Holthusen Hall, 1st floor
  1324 W. Wisconsin Avenue
  P.O. Box 1881
  Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Phone: (414) 288-7423

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Why Articles?

Articles appear in magazines, journals, periodicals, and newspapers.  Use articles for:

  • most recent research on a topic
  • coverage of very narrow topics
  • coverage of current events
  • contemporary accounts of past events and research

Trade magazines

Once you've identified companies you're interested in, see what's been recently published in trade magazines and business publications about them.  That's often where you'll find the latest business news.

News sources

Local or regional business news:

Business news only (or primarily!)

Big news databases:

These can be useful:  especially when your company is smaller, private, or a non-profit.


Next Steps

Didn't find anything on your occupation in the databases above? Try a subject specific database.  For example, if you are researching dentistry, take a look at the Dentistry or Health Sciences databases using the drop-down menu below.

Databases by Subject