In addition to current quotes, all of the sources below have some historical quotes data. How much varies, as does the ease of getting to it! For more on historical stock quotes, see below.
Whenever you're looking for historical stock quotes, please be aware that there can be pitfalls. There will be breaks, or interruptions, in the data if your company has:
– Changed names
– Changed ticker symbols
– Been acquired or sold, merged, or gone private.
When there is a company name or ticker symbol change, the older name/ticker is considered inactive; but that older name/ticker is still usually what you will have to use when searching for the data.
Be prepared to look up your company's history, and to get a timeline of what happened when in its history in order to understand any breaks in your stock quote data. Here are suggestions on finding corporate histories.
If you've never looked for historical quotes before, please read the notes above about the difficulties you may encounter ...
CRSP (The Center for Research in Security Prices; at the University of Chicago) is the ultimate source for historical stock quotes (data can go back to 1925). We offer it through the WRDS interface, which requires that you 'register' for a day pass using your MU email account.
You'll find the same difficulties in using CRSP as for other sources for historical stock quotes, all related to the history of the company, and the forms (and names and ticker symbols) it has had.