Nurse Anesthesia Program: Locating Journals in the Library Catalog

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Locating a Journal in the Catalog

STEP 1: Accessing MARQCAT

You can find many articles by searching for the title or author in the MARQCAT search box. 

MARQCAT search box

STEP 2: Searching for a specific journal title

  1. To search for a specific journal title, click "Advanced Search" under the MARQCAT search box.
  2. If you know the title, set the Advanced Search to search for "Title contains..." and then type your search keywords.
  3. Under "Material Type," choose "Journals." Remember: this will search for journals, but it will NOT search specific articles!

Image of the MARQCAT advanced search

STEP 3: Journal Access

After you click the title of the journal you're looking for, the record for the journal will show you how to access the journal online (if Marquette has a subscription!)

Online access options for the journal Anesthesiology