Nurse Anesthesia Program: Locating Journals in the Library Catalog

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5 Steps to Locating a Journal in the Catalog

STEP 1: Accessing MARQCAT

  1. Begin by clicking the MARQCAT tab in the yellow search box near the top of the library home page.

Screenshot of Marquette Library Homepage

STEP 2: Input Search Terms

  1. In the first input field, input the name of the journal title you are looking for. In this example we'll search for Anesthesiology.
  2. Next, click the "Search by:" drop down box and from the list of items, select "Journal Title".
  3. Then click the blue "Search" button

Screenshot of search options for MARQCAT

STEP 3: Search Result List

  1. On the results page, click on the first item "Anesthesiology".

Screenshot of results list of MARQCAT search

STEP 4: Locate Journal in Results List 

  1. Click the first result to go to the catalog record for the Anesthesiology journal.

Screenshot of journal results list

STEP 5: Access the Journal

  1. From the catalog record, click the first link under "Click on the following to:". Notice that the second link includes issues from 1940 on, but has a 6-month delay for more recent issues.

Screenshot journal catalog record with link to journal