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Library and campus resources to help with research.
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About this Research Guide

Topics covered on this research guide include off campus access, ordering items, and how to access specific titles for the Nurse Anesthesia Program. Instructions for how to access journal articles in the MarqCat, the library catalog and a list of nursing-specific databases.

Off-Campus Access VPN

Some library resources can be available using your MARQNET username and password. If it is not then use VPN.

VPN (virtual private network): The VPN requires you to download an app onto both your cell phone and your computer.  It is much more reliable during times of heavy internet traffic, and is well worth the necessary setup time.

Although the detailed instructions page refers you to Information Technology Services for help, we can also help with some parts of the process at the Information Desk.  Give us a call at (414) 288-7556.


Interlibrary Loan

There are times when it will be necessary to order an article or book not available from Raynor Memorial Libraries. Use the link below to access Interlibrary loan and more information about this service.