NIH Public Access Policy Compliance: How Do I Fix Non-Compliant Papers?

How do I fix non-compliant papers?

How do I fix previously published non-compliant papers?

There isn't a single workflow for addressing previously published papers. 

To determine how to obtain a PMCID for your paper, work through the questions and steps below.

A PMCID is the only way to demonstrate compliance.

First Step - Check if it Falls Under the Policy

Second - Yes, it does fall under the public access policy

If yes, how is it non-compliant?

  • Use the NIH PMID Converter (linked below) to check if there is a NIHMS number for the paper.
  • If the paper has an NIHMS number, an author needs to approve the submission.  In most cases this task falls to the corresponding author.  Linked below is a "Initial Approval" PDF tutorial that details this process.  
  • If the paper does not have a PMCID or NIHMS number, the submission process was not started.  Use the questions on our "Determine Method for Submission" page (linked below) to identify what submission method to initiate.
  • Contact the publisher or corresponding author, depending on nature of the non-compliance.
  • Complete or request needed actions.
  • Verify that the PMCID is generated.

Most compliance issues arise from NIH Manuscript Submission process and can be fixed through the NIHMS portal. 

See our NIHMS Portal Help page for more information on deposit and approval processes. 

NIH Manuscript (NIHMS) Submission Process

  1. Deposit Files
  2. Initial Approval
  3. NIHMS Conversion 
  4. Final Approval
  5. PMCID Assigned
  6. Available in PMC