For these databases, try the following search examples:
In each of the databases, what happens after you get to a list of results will vary. In Business Source Premier (an Ebsco database), the limits area is in the left margin; in ABI-Inform Global (a ProQuest database), the limits area is in right margin. But both have limits you can apply after your initial search.
If you need help, please ask?!
We do NOT subscribe to the Harvard Business School case studies. (That would be really expensive ...) However, please be aware that these case studies are actually quite cheap to buy individually; they go for about $7 each when you buy them directly from Harvard. Below is a link to their site.
That said, there are some case studies within the journal Harvard Business Review (HBR). These are not the Harvard Business School case studies (the ones used in the Harvard Business School classes); these tend to be shorter, less detailed and less in-depth, and are usually about fictitious companies. Also below is a link to the full-text of the HBR.
Here are some journals that regularly have case studies.