Guide to finding literary criticism (journal articles / books) on Spanish, Hispanic American literature, Spanish language newspaper articles, information about Spanish /Hispanic American culture and linguistics of Spanish language.
Index of scholarship on modern languages, literature, folklore, and linguistics. 4,000+ journals and 1,000+ book publishers covered. Some full-text. 1925-present.
Guest Access
Broad collection of full-text scholarly journals (approximately 2700 titles). Discipline coverage uneven and usually does not include the most-recent three years.
Searches about 450 journals from scholarly journal articles from Latin American, Spanish and Portuguese publishers. Mostly 1990's - present; mostly full-text.
This database offers full text content to many academic areas including business & economics, medical sciences, political science, law, computer science, library & information sciences, literature, linguistics, history, philosophy and theology. This database provides full text (including PDF) for more than 200 scholarly Spanish language journals. Coverage varies by publication. Most are 1995 to present.
Index of multidisciplinary research related to the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Western Hemisphere.
Covers political, social and economic issues as well as the humanities including literature, art, religion, etc. Includes bibliographic citations to both English language and Spanish language articles, book reviews, documents, and other materials appearing in over 400 key social sciences and humanities journals published throughout the world. 1970 to present.
Index to multi-disciplinary Spanish language publications from Spain and Latin America. Some full-text. 1980 - present. Also includes access to a number of full-text theses from universities in Spain.
Spanish language version of Google Scholar. Allows you to identify and locate full-text academic journal articles and other documents in the Spanish language.
Additional Databases:
Below are some subject-specific databases which may be relevant depending on your topic:
Series 1 - Historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture. Covers the 18th through 20th centuries.
Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection is an archive of publications focused exclusively on U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture from colonial times until 1960. Available in two series, Series 1 focuses on the creative life of U.S. Latinos and Hispanics. Content is written, indexed and searchable in Spanish and English.
Searches 12,000+ scholarly journals in the sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. Cited Reference Search locates articles that have cited an older document. Limited full-text access.
Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present); the Science Citation Index and the Social Science Citation Index (1900-present for both); and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (2005-present).
Historical background on thirty plus worldwide border areas, including: U.S. and Mexico; the European Union; Afghanistan; Israel; Turkey; The Congo; Argentina; China; Thailand; and others.
Searches doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Extensive North American coverage, lesser European coverage. Full-text availability varies by author's permission.
Provides access to large collection of periodicals on all aspects of education including early childhood through higher education. Also includes a collection of magazines for children. 1986 to present.
Guest Access
Contains more than 1.3 million records and links to more than 317,000 full-text documents from the Education Resource Information Center (ERIC). 1966 to the present.
Guest Access
The standard indexing service for academic historical writings on all areas of the world, except the United States and Canada. Covers items published from 1972 to present.
Searches 2,000+ humanities journals and and books from U.S. and international sources. Includes creative works including poetry, fiction, and works of art.
Full text of current news sources from Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East and historic & current newspapers from Milwaukee
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Full-text sources on current events, business, law, and medicine.
Formerly Lexis Nexis Academic Universe.
It includes regional, national, and international newspapers; magazines; wire services; business publications (trade journals, corporate annual reports, tax sources); legal resources (law reviews, court cases, briefs, federal and state codes); government documents; medical information (medical journals); and reference sources (directories, biographical information). Coverage varies by title; very good coverage from the early 1990s to present, with some coverage as early as the mid-1970s.