Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering: Book Search

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Why Books?

Books are useful for:

  • in depth information,
  • historical context,
  • overview, synthesis and analysis.

Check the table of contents:  often a chapter or two are all that is needed.

Evaluating Books

Evaluate the quality and relevance of information:

  • Authority of the authors, editors - Determine the expertise of the authors, does it match the subject content of their writing?
  • Scope of Content - Does the content cover your topic to the degree you need? Is it in-depth or does it simply provide an overview with little facts, details, analysis?
  • Timeliness - Is the content timely for your topic. This is determined by the time period of your topic and the publication date of the book.

For help finding book reviews see this research guide:


Search Google Books

Searches books in the Google Books project.  Identifies and ranks books with relevant content.  Click on book title/cover for more information including a 'Find in a Library' which will locate nearby libraries with the book and provide a link to search MARQCAT.  If the book is out of copyright and in the public domain, the full text can be viewed.

Google Book Search