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Systematic Review Service

Overview of systematic reviews. How the Marquette Library and Librarians can assist you in the systematic review process.

What You Can Expect From Your Librarian

As recommended by the Institutes of Medicine and Cochrane Library, you should have a librarian as part of the systematic review team.

This inclusion can be really beneficial for you for several reasons: 

  • Save time by having the librarian conduct the literature searches
  • Determine appropriate databases and understanding the intricacies of how to complete complex searches
  • Accuracy and quality of the literature search strategies
  • Citation management, including removal of duplicates, tracking number of results
  • Methodology of the literature search for any posters, presentations and publications

Tiers of Service

Tier One

  • Meet with Librarian, discuss your topic.
  • Librarian runs an initial search to determine feasibility of a systematic review.
  • Librarian suggests databases and citation management software.
  • Librarian receives an acknowledgement on any presentations/publications.


Tier Two

  • Meet with librarian, discuss your topic.
  • Librarian develops search strategy for feasibility of a systematic review.
  • Librarian runs all searches and removes duplicates; including putting into citation management software program (e.g. RefWorks).
  • Librarian writes up literature search methodology for any presentations/publications.
  • Librarian receives co-authorship on any presentations/publications.