When researching a company, there are several variables that determine:
– How much information you'll likely find
– Where you can look for information
The Getting Started links below discuss that.
Below that are starting points for finding two types of company information: financials and analyst reports, and SWOT reports.
If you're new to company research, below are three quick questions to ask about your company. The answers will help determine where to look for more information, and how much information you can expect to find.
– Is it public or private?
– Is it a parent or subsidiary company (company headquarters vs. division or unit)?
– Is it a US or foreign company?
Two major resources ... Notes about how and why they're useful below.
Refinitiv Workspace: this database contains the largest collection of sell-side analyst reports -- the After Market Research module (aka AMR or Investext). It also contains market research reports from publishers such as MarketLine and more. Good international coverage. Beware the download limitations!
➤ Instructions on searching in AMR and how to make the most of your download allowance.
Mergent Online: this database is aimed at the academic world. But it has one feature that is unique (unless you have access to FactSet!): the Supply Chain reports. Available now for US and international companies, these provide a 360º view of a company: culling information from SEC/disclosure filings, trade literature and other sources, it provides a view of a company's competitors, suppliers, customers, its place within its industry, and more.
SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Easy: SWOT reports are easily available in two databases:
– Business Insights - Essentials has reports from Global Data.
– Business Source Premier has reports from MarketLine.
Harder: Refinitiv Workspace also has SWOT reports in its After Market Research collection (aka AMR or Investext), but they can be harder to get to.
SWOT analysis comes from the literature and discipline of strategic management, and is concerned with planning for the future of the firm. So while investment analyst reports almost always cover public companies only, SWOT reports will sometimes also cover large private companies. For more about strategic analysis and planning (for which SWOT is but one tool), read this entry on strategic planning tools in The Encyclopedia of Management.