OSCM 4130 - Supply Chain Strategy and Practice: Industry profiles

For Mark Barratt's sections.
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Gartner and IDC market research

Gartner and IDC provide market research on the following tech sectors: big data/analytics, cloud computing, consumer tech, infrastructure software, Internet of Things (IoT), mobility, networking, security, semiconductors, social business, storage, telecommunications and more.

This includes supply chain coverage! 

  • First time users of IDC will have to complete a User Registration form -- use your Marquette email and password.
  • If already logged into Office365, Chrome users may have to log out first, then go into IDC.
  • Datasets and Pivot Tables are not included in subscription.  
  • Coverage is global; reports are accessible usually for 18-24 months only. 

Databases for Industry Profiles

Below are links to industry reports from individual publishers, and to databases that contain industry reports. Many of these reports are available in general business databases:  where possible, the links go directly to that content, not to a general search screen.  But where such direct linking is not possible, the links go to the main database search screen (e.g. Passport).

Two notes about MarketLine reports:

MarketLine reports are available in two different databases, Ebsco's Business Source Premier, and Workspace's After Market Research module (aka AMR or Investext). Each has advantages and disadvantages. 

  1. For slightly easier searching, use Business Source Premier
  2. For the most complete collection of MarketLine industry and company reports, use the AMR Research collection in Workspace; Ebsco does not always receive the current reports in a timely way. Notice that Workspace requires registration for an individual account. 
    Instructions for searching in the Workspace AMR collection are available here.

Links to reports from individual publishers or vendors:

These reports are pulled from large aggregator databases (ABI-Inform Trade & Industry, Business Source Premier, and Business Insights Essentials). The interfaces of these large databases allow me to create these individual links, which is not possible in other interfaces.

Links to databases: