Peace Studies: Peacebuilding

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Articles on Peacebuilding

Finding Books on Peacebuilding

The items featured on this page provide examples of a much larger number of books on peace and peace building at Marquette.  To find these additional books try these strategies.

Option 1
Find a book on this page relevant to your interests, look at the MARQCAT record for it, and find the categories listed under Subject.  Click on a category and you will go to the records of all books we have under that Subject.  The Subject categories are "more like this" buttons.

Option 2
Do a Subject search in MARQCAT on:  peace building.  To do that go to the box below, use the dropdown arrow to change it to Subject, enter peace building, and click on Go.  Survey the list of subject headings that begin with peace building to refine your search.  A much larger category is simply:  peace.  Use the subcategories under it to get a manageable set of hits.  A few examples are provided.


Overviews and Introductions

These are examples of the many books available about this subject.  To find additional ones see Finding Books on Peacemaking above.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Handbooks

These are examples of the many books available about this subject. To find additional ones see the tab Encyclopedias and Dictionaries.

Specialized Scholarly Studies

These are examples of the many books available about this subject. To find additional ones see the suggestions in the box on the upper left.