MARK 4931 - Applied Marketing Consulting: Local market research

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Finding NAICS codes

Lookup sites:

Finding NAICS codes for a specific company:

Of course, often you're trying to identify the code(s) for a specific company.  In that case, use a company directory database.  Here are two that make it easy to see the codes.

Consumer behavior

County or DMA data:

The Claritas 360 module in SRDS will give you a sense of consumer behavior in the Milwaukee area for both counties and DMAs (Designated Market Areas; a term defined by Nielsen).  

Below the link to SRDS Media Planning Solutions, there is a link to an intro video about the Claritas 360 module.

National level data:

For data about consumer behavior with far more flexibility and granularity, but national-level only, try MRI-Simmons Insight.  Be aware that using the crosstab software for dataset takes some time to learn and will require more understanding of index and % down values. 

Click below on "About consumer survey datasets" for more information (including videos) about using MRI-Simmons. 

By the way, MRI-Simmons used to be two separate datasets, MRI and Simmons, but they merged in 2020.