ENGL 1001 - Foundations in Rhetoric: Building multimodal projects

Course Guide for "English 1001: Foundations in Rhetoric"
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What does multimodal mean?

Multimodal refers to any communication that contains more than one "mode" of communication. This can be images, sounds, graphic design, text, etc. Other terms that have similar meaning are multimedia and remix.

Easy tools for building multimodal projects

Citing sources

Citations for your multimodal project should follow genre conventions. For example:

  • Podcast
    • Introduce important information about your source, like title and year. Share information about the author.
    • Example: Saida Grundy is a sociologist at Boston University who researches how Black men think about and make and police masculinity. (View example from Code Switch.)
  • Infographic
    • Include at least title, author, and year.
    • If space allows, include a URL if your graphic will be printed, or a live link if your graphic will be shared online.
    • Example: Source: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). (View example from Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.)

Equipment and spaces

Bring your MUID and visit the Library Services Desk, Raynor 1st floor, to check out these spaces and equipment:

Media editing room

Laptop kiosks

Cameras, microphones, tripods