BULA 3001/4001: Background sources

Legal and Ethical Environment of Business; Business Law for Accounting
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Online reference collection

Start with this online collection of (mostly) reference books.  Subject-specific encyclopedias, handbooks, companions, etc.

ADM (Archer Daniels Midland)

Short and introductory:


Specifically about ADM:

Volkswagen case: sample encyclopedia articles

Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes case

Some history and background for the case:
Sample encyclopedia articles and more:
Searching for articles:

Think of this as separate questions, and therefore, separate searches.  For example, you could look for articles about:

  1. Ethical behavior in leaders, ceo’s or management
  2. Ethical behavior in investor relations
  3. Ethical behavior in companies, i.e. organizations or institutions, at the organizational level)
  4. Hubris in leaders, or ethical dysfunction in leaders

Treat each question as a separate search!

Wells Fargo case

Reports from Wells Fargo:

These are reports from Wells Fargo itself, about their own investigations (primary sources in effect).  Start with the Key Findings report, since it's much shorter.

Congressional report:
Articles, trade journals:
Harvard Business Review:

HBR has several articles that cover various aspects of this case.  Because of contractual limits imposed by HBP on Ebsco and hence on us, no links to individual articles can be created.  Therefore, just search on Wells Fargo!

Articles, scholarly:
About ethics, in general:

Boeing 737 MAX

Popular, journalistic sources:

For the ebook below, Flying Blind, please be aware that we were only permitted to buy a single user license. Furthermore, it is not possible to print or download any of this ebook:  you must read it online.

Please read what you can in a single sitting, then close your browser window/tab so that others may read it.

Governmental sources:

Scholarly articles:

FTX bankruptcy


Includes some encyclopedia articles and more.

Trade/news articles and other resources:

Below are sample resources. But there is a lot more coverage of this case in the popular and business news press. Try searching in the database ABI/Inform Collection to find more.  

Scholarly articles:

European environment: