Biomed Summer Research Program: Article Searching

Key Databases

Annual Reviews for Review/Secondary Articles

Review articles offer a broad discussion and explanation of the entirety of research done in a given area up to the point of publication. Reviews are often organized conceptually, such as by chronology of studies, geographic commonalities, repeated methodologies, etc. They are a good choice for becoming familiar with an area of research and for keeping up with new developments efficiently.

Web of Science - Cited Reference Searching

Web of Science covers almost 9300 high impact journals from around the world.  It encompasses three citation indexes:

  • Science Citation Index Expanded,
  • Social Sciences Citation Index, and
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index.

Marquette's subscription covers citing articles from 1980 to the present.  Older articles can be searched but only the citing articles from 1980 to the present will be displayed.

How to do a cited reference search:

1. On the main Web of Science search page   Click the Cited Reference Search link in the drop down menu:

2. Enter the last name of the primary (first listed) author followed by the first initial in the Cited Author box.  Type OR and add the author's last name followed by the first and middle initial.  Use an asterisk after the first initial if the middle initial is unknown.

3. Enter the abbreviated title of the cited work followed by an asterisk in the Cited Work box (use the journal abbreviation list to find abbreviation) and click Search.

For example, enter the author and abbreviated title as shown below to identify papers citing the following article: Flaskerud, J. H., et al.  (2002).  Health disparities among vulnerable populations.  Nursing Research, 51(2), 74-85.

4. The resulting list of cited references may include variants due to differing citation formats and occasional citation errors, e.g. example below shows the correct citation and two variants which probably refer to the same article.  If the results include too many potentially matching references, redo the search and add a four digit year in the Cited Year(s) box. Use OR or a hyphen to indicate a range of years (e.g., 2004 OR 2005; 2004 - 2005.)  Another option would be to deselect one or more citation indexes to be searched, especially if the author name is fairly common.  This should be done with caution however due to the interdisciplinary nature of many fields.

5. Click in the boxes next to references you wish to select as in the example above and click: Finish Search.  Results will be displayed on the subsequent screen:

More detailed instructions are available in the Cited Reference Search tutorial.  Advice on searching for non-journal sources (e.g. books, dissertations, media, etc.) cited in WoS can be found in the tutorial on Cited Reference Searching for Non-journal Literature.