Cited Reference Searching & Journal Rankings: Top Two Resources

How to locate articles and other documents that have cited a previously published document. Also how to determine where a journal is ranked in relation to others in its field.

The Top Two Search Tools

Every cited reference search should include Web of Science and Google Scholar. Covering all disciplines, they are the most comprehensive in their coverage.

Web of Science provides interdisciplinary coverage of almost 9300 high impact journals from around the world.  Use cited reference searching to determine who is citing your papers or those of other authors, and to follow the development of ideas over time.  Marquette's subscription covers 1980 to the present and encompasses three citation indexes:

  • Science Citation Index,
  • Social Sciences Citation Index, and
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index.

Use the subpage on this guide for more on cited reference searching in Web of Science:

Google Scholar allows you to search for journal articles, books, theses, abstracts, and court opinions in a number of disciplines. Sources include academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, and university web sites. Many references include a Cited by link that identifies other resources that cite a particular paper.

Use the subpage on this guide for more on cited reference searching in Google Scholar:

Other Comprehensives

A few other databases are comprehensive enough to be useful for most disciplines.

Proquest Central - Search Tips

EBSCO's Academic Search Complete - Search Tips

JSTOR - Search Tips