Plagiarism & How to Avoid It: Academic Integrity

Marquette University Definitions of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty applies equally to electronic media and print and involves text, images and ideas. It includes but is not limited to the following examples:

  • CHEATING...includes letting others research and write your paper.
  • DISHONEST CONDUCT....includes submitting substantial portions of the same work for credit in more than one class.
  • PLAGIARISM...not assigning proper attribution.
  • COLLUSION...aiding another student in performing any of the above.

For a full list see Definitions of Academic Dishonesty

Students found committing acts of academic dishonesty will be subject to the Marquette University procedures for incidents of academic dishonesty.

Academic Integrity - Student Responsibilities (Summary)

  1. Refraining from cheating and plagiarism.
  2. Refusing to aid or abet any form of academic dishonesty.
  3. Notifying professors and/or their adviser about observed incidents of academic misconduct. The anonymity of a student reporting an incident of academic dishonesty will be protected to the extent permitted by law.

See the full text of the Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Integrity - Faculty Responsibilities (Summary)

  1. Upholding and enforcing university-wide principles of academic honesty and integrity and informing students of these principles, including any qualifications that may be operative in the classes they are teaching.
  2. Minimizing opportunities for academic dishonesty in their courses.
  3. Confronting students suspected of academic dishonesty in a way that respects student privacy.
  4. Affording students accused of academic dishonesty the right to appeal any resulting disputes to disinterested parties for hearing and resolution.
  5. Assigning an appropriate grade to a student who engages in academic dishonesty.
  6. Reporting all instances of academic dishonesty to the associate dean of the college offering the course.
  7. Protecting the anonymity of any student reporting an incident of academic dishonesty to the extent permitted by due process required for the accused and other legal requirements.

See the full text of the Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Means Avoiding Plagiarism